A System of systems

“The Atlassian Design System is a collection of guidelined foundations, components, and resources that, collectively, define all Atlassian UI experiences. The team responsible for this system had been crafting an inspiring new vision for its future. They were looking for a way to communicate that vision and change maker perceptions in order to drive awareness and adoption – future-proofing our infrastructure and making Atlassian a world-class leader in design.”

Sharing this vision of the future involved covering dense material surrounding design systems architecture and technology. Our creative team wanted to find an approach to whet the viewers appetite to learn more about the exciting things to come from Atlassian Design Systems.

As the Director and Motion Design Lead on this project, I was deeply involved with narrative (storyboarding), facilitation of collaboration between creatives, music acquisition, and directing a team of motion designers.

Learn more about Atlassian Design System here: https://atlassian.design/

Lead Designer: Alec Donovan
Brand Design: Sara VanSlyke
Producer: Gina Mainwal
Copywriter: Melanie Duong
Director / Motion Lead: Kimball Denetso
Motion Design and Animation: George Harbeson, Janet Wychock, Brian Shinn, and Xiuchi Wang



3D Illustrations